L-NET MISSION STRATEGY Brief _ January 2023



  • Seeking 5-10 core group members to coordinate key mission actions: Citizen Lobbying, research, comms, recruitment.

  • Minimum 100 mission supporters to carry out limited citizen lobbying action, and amplify messaging.


Our approach will be to project a grassroots mobilization in support of CDR / L-NET, giving effort to an identity rooted in Civil Society, not individual parties, party actors or specific sectors. Luxembourg does not have a strong convention of grassroots mobilization and activism for legislation, with considerable deference given by the public to government technocrats and leading stakeholder institutions. This creates an opportunity for our campaign to apply citizen lobbying approaches in a manner that gains recognition and traction on the basis of volume, frequency, coverage, as well as novelty. The political timetable is slow moving in Luxembourg, so we have time to develop, recruit and ramp up in Q1 / 2 2023.

Our strategy will center on actions that inform and persuade, drawing on expertise and knowledge of a limited number of core mission members, supported by a larger number of people who perform low complexity, low commitment tasks at the former direction. High quality direct engagement between members and decision makers will be chosen over shallow, uniform mass demonstrations of support. This is the difference between lobbying and marching.

The 3 main operational elements of the strategy are:

  1. Carry out Direct Citizen Lobbying with key political decision makers: Legislators, Ministry Staff, Professional Chambres.

  2. Engage directly with civil society and industry stakeholders to inform and build support for L-NET, expressed in formal coalition.

  3. Produce educational and persuasive public content to inform, build support, elevate public attention on policy and campaign.


Outreach and engagement will target stakeholders and audiences most likely to influence political and policy outcomes within the Luxembourg context. The following activity areas will target defined centers of influence.

Citizen Lobbying activities (A.) will prioritize engagement with centers of influence in the political system. These include

Coalition Building activities (B.) will prioritize engagement with influential environmental, industry and labor orgs who hold sway and commonly prepare and submit advisory statements and opinions through public comment and other mechanisms. These include:

Outreach and Comms (C.) activities will prioritize content forms that facilitate to 1. Advocate recruitment, 2. persuasion/education of general and segmented publics, press; 3. engage keys to influence stakeholder in public sphere, and keep campaign in public view. These include:

  • Public Webinars - Workshops and teach-in on CDR concepts, justifications and L-NET policy
  • Public Events - Meetups and CDR tech demos in bars and public places.
  • Social Media - Instagram Reels and Stories that introduce concepts, recruit advocates, and appeal directly to Keys. Twitter secondary.


Citizen Lobbying activities (A.)

  • A1. Scheduled virtual and in-person meetings with individual Deputies to request support for bill.
    • Short presentation, attended by multiple citizens, led by two core members.
    • Prioritize Environment Commission members.
  • A2. Scheduled Phone Calls to Rules Committee to request bill gets on agenda; Deputies for support.
  • A3. Letter Writing - Minister of Environment, Professional Chambres reps, Deputies.
  • A4. Expert Round Table for Ministry of Environment Staff.
  • A5. Formal submission statement during public comment period. Joined by members of coalition and citizen members.
  • A6. Scheduled short meetings/presentations with reps of professional chambers.

Coalition Building activities (B.)

  • Scheduled virtual and in-person meetings, small group calls with Reps from target orgs - general CDR/L-NET education, and request for support.
  • Memo of Support - public document with signatories supporting L-NET.
  • Joint submission during public comment period.

Outreach and Comms activities (C.)

  • Kick-Off Webinar - recruitment, press engagement, coalition building.
  • Hold Meetup/Social event at Bar - preferably one that is known to attract gov and legislative staff.
  • Regular diet of 2-3 Insta Reels per week. Tweets as needed.