Teach-In: The German Feed-In Tariff - A Social and Policy History (Prof. Joern Hoppman)

In this discussion Professor Joern Hoppmann of the University of Oldenburg offers expert perspective on the history, evolution and ultimate impact of the German Feed-In Tariff (FIT) for renewable energy.

The German FIT has arguably been the most important policy globally to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy adoption and drive down its costs. It is also the main inspiration for CarbonFIT, a new Carbon Dioxide Removal legislative proposal being developed by Member of the Luxembourg Parliament Sven Clement with support from OpenAir.

Professor Hoppman provides a deep analysis of the FIT’s essential components and how and why they changed over the policies nearly two decade run in response to political, economic and technology changes.

The discussion is co-hosted by Sven and OpenAir advocate and co-founder Chris Neidl.
