Planning a Presentation

To prepare a presentation about CDR consider your audience and your objective before you prepare the materials.

Audience. What is the typical profile? What is the demographic (age, race, culture, politics, etc.)? How technical are they? How would climate change affect them? How would new climate policies affect them? Would they see opportunities in CDR? Or threats? How monolithic/diverse is the audience?

Objective. What is your motivation for the presentation? General awareness? Activation for CDR activities? Get people to write to their MOC? Will your motivation be shared by the audience? Will they want to help you?

Contents of the presentation should take into account audience and objective above. Could include the following:

First, connect with the audience by acknowledging them, thanking them, and recognizing who they are and who you are and why you are there. “Connection before Content” is a good rule of thumb.

Some climate change review. Start with basics as needed. Discuss what experts are saying and why it is worrying. Build some motivation for change.

Discuss what big efforts are underway to address climate change through emissions reductions, adaptation, mitigation. Discuss why that is so important and why it is the focus of so much ongoing effort around the world. Discuss how you personally are active in emissions reductions or mitigation.

Review what that is not enough and that CDR is needed at Gt scale. Why should anyone do CDR? What is the need or motivation? What are the circumstances?

Discuss what is being done already in CDR. How would someone approach the CDR problem? What regional considerations? What technologies?

What is the strategic outlook? Policy and legislation that compel CDR efforts

Factors affecting the detailed realization of this outline:
Audience knowledge (don’t tell them the motivation if they already know it; focus on the audience interest and expertise; don’t talk over their head, don’t bore them with things they already know)
Time of presentation (cover all the necessary aspects, elaborating based on audience interests and available time)
Format - a short lecture is fine, but visual supports are better - a video, a slide or two. Even a thing to pass around, or an audience question-and-answer session is valuable to shift attention and enliven the event.

{need to identify an excess of sources to cover each aspect of the generic presentation outline}

{need to reference exemplar presentations that have been completed and video-recorded}

{need to incorporate some detailed scripting of key points}