ChatGPT AI January 2023 motivating conservative support for CDR

Karl Danz: How would one motivate a Republican member of Congress to support carbon removal legislation?


There are a few different approaches that might be effective in convincing a Republican member of Congress to support carbon removal legislation:

Emphasize the economic benefits of carbon removal: Carbon removal technologies can create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which may be a more compelling argument for some Republican lawmakers.

Highlight the potential for international cooperation: Supporting carbon removal efforts could be seen as a way for the United States to take a leadership role in addressing climate change and establishing itself as a leader on the global stage.

Emphasize the potential for carbon removal to complement other conservative policy priorities: For example, many carbon removal technologies involve afforestation and reforestation efforts, which could be framed as a way to promote private property rights and stewardship of the land.

Appeal to the Republican lawmaker’s sense of responsibility: Climate change is a major threat to the planet, and addressing it will require collective action. Encourage the lawmaker to consider their role in addressing this global challenge.

Emphasize the potential for carbon removal to help address other issues of concern to Republicans: For example, some carbon removal technologies may also have air quality benefits, which could be particularly appealing to lawmakers who are concerned about air pollution.