CDR Advocacy
California CDRMDA (SB 308) This mission is mobilizing to make the Carbon Dioxide Removal Market Development Act (CDRMDA) law in California through district-level citizen lobbying. LECCLA / CCURRB The Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Leadership Act (LECCLA) and the Concrete Carbon Utilization, Reduction and Removal Breakthrough (CCURRBAct) are pieces of state legislation developed, drafted, and advocated for by OpenAir members that are currrently introduced in Pennsylvania and Illinois, respectively. Both bills proposes new climate-impact based criteria and incentives for concrete procurement by states. LECCLA was the very first bill generated by OpenAir members, originating in its very first form in New York State in Summer 2019. In the years since, versions of the bill have become law in New York, Virginia and New Jersey, with other LECCLA inspired legislation introduced in Massachusetts and Illinois as of December 2022. LECCLA has also directly or indirectly inspired or influenced elements of other local government, municipal, state and federal policy - including the Hastings Resolution (local gov procurement), the NYC Clean Construction Executive Order 23, the Federal Buy Clean program of 2022, and NYS Executive Order 22 (climate procurement). L-NET The Luxembourg Negative Emissions Tariff (L-NET) is carbon dioxide removal (CDR) demand support legislation developed in 2021-2022 by OpenAir members in collaboration with Sven Clement, Member of the Luxembourg Parliament. MASS CDRLA (S.2096) Welcome to the S.2096 Massachusetts Carbon Dioxide Removal Leadership Act forum. Here we discuss relevant policy and advocacy subjects that relate to and support our campaign to make this legislation law. Oregon